2023 legion family

 Thanksgiving dinner

2023 Sons of the american legion

 turkey bingo

2023 American legion Auxiliary

Purse bingo

2023 Sons of the american legion

 Halloween bingo


American Pride Car and Motorcycle Show


Backing the blues street dance


Memorial Day


Memorial Day


Amateur Radio Field Day

To read a SUN POST story on this event, please visit https://tinyurl.com/bzhjx74s
Graceila Maristany, a 10-year old from Crystal, attempts to make a contact from a Hennepin County Sheriff mobile station. She was successful, and shortly after her younger sister, eight-year old Isabella, stepped up to try. (SUN Photo by Alaina Rooker)

Unserviceable flags ceremony

The Ceremony for Disposal of Unserviceable Flags is outlined in Resolution No. 440, passed by the 19th National Convention of The American Legion in New York, Sept. 20-23, 1937. The ceremony has been an integral part of American Legion ritual since that date. The full ceremony can be found at https://www.legion.org/flag/ceremony
Chester Bird



October SAL Raffle

Bar Manager Mike Walter and SAL Commander Denny Arons presenting Sarah Lavelle $500 for winning the SAL Raffle. Way to go Sarah! By the way, her nickname happens to be “Lucky.”

911 Club

Chester Bird Legionnaire Dearest Welwolie received a $2,500 Hennepin County Sheriff Foundation Scholarship during the 911 Club on October 9, 2020.

Memorial Day